Finally Centerstage and Singing: ‘The Hello Girls’ at 59E59 Theaters
It was the phrase “unsung heroes” that captured Cara Reichel’s attention. The hour-long PBS documentary spotlighting women in the military only devoted about two minutes to the Hello Girls, the female phone operator working as telephone operators during World War I. But the story resonated with Reichel, and the founding artistic director of Prospect Theater Company got to work.

Aaron Tveit, Hamilton Stars and Wicked Creator Imagine Election 2016: The Musical
On the eve of the 2016 election, Broadway’s brightest gathered at the Dramatists Guild Fund Gala at Gotham Hall in New York, NY for Great Writers Thank Their Lucky Stars: The Presidential Edition.

Watch Carey Purcell on MSNBC's "AM Joy"
I appeared on "AM Joy" to discuss my Politico article "I Survived Trump Magazine - Barely."

Nine Things to Never Say When Someone Loses a Job
We’ve all been there: either having lost a job ourselves or trying to comfort a friend or family member who has lost a job.

Watch The Row J Roundtable for The Jewish Channel
I was invited to participate in the Row J Roundtable with Meredith Ganzman and Jesse Oxfeld, where we discussed the spring Broadway season.

Watch Carey Purcell's Interview on ‘Good Morning America’
Following the publication of the article "Being a Bridesmaid is Driving Me Into Bankruptcy," I was invited to discuss the article on “Good Morning America.”

“It's Possible for Someone To Strike You and It Not Hurt at All” - ‘Liliom’ Stars and Director Discuss Beautiful Soup’s Production of Molinar’s Controversial Play
“It’s all the right things in all the wrong places,” Gerrard Lobo said of the play Liliom, a tragic love story of a carousel barker and a small-town girl who are doomed to not reach a happy ending together.

"Pretty Little Liars," Teen Sexuality and Slut-Shaming: Why "A" Isn't the Biggest Problem On This Show
I’ve written about the TV show “Pretty Little Liars” before on this blog. The show has entertained me consistently for several seasons with its ongoing drama and mystery, but it has also consistently disappointed me in its portrayal of teenage sexuality.

Not in Love Actually - A Feminist Response to "The Ultimate Romantic Comedy"
I used to love watching the film “Love Actually.” I saw it for the first time in the winter of 2003 and watching the movie quickly became a ritual for me during the holiday season

Busy Shaming - When Being "So Busy" is Not a Bad Thing
When did being busy become such a bad thing?
Ever since I got my driver's license and could get around on my own, I have been busy.

Women Center Stage - An Interview with Monica L. Williams, Felice Belle and Jen Murphy
Together/Far Apart showcases 3 pairs of poets and their journey together as they navigate a myriad of relationships while negotiating art-making, time, family, space and dreams.

Royal (Baby) Treatment - Unequal Concern Across the Pond
I'm just going to say it: I don't care about the royal baby.

Women Center Stage - An Interview With Tracy Bersley
Tracy Bersley directs For Immediate (and timely) Release, by Daniel Piper Kublick, Dorothy Abrahams and Bersley.

Women Center Stage - Introduction
For the next week, CareyPurcell.com will feature interviews with the participants of Director's Weekend, where 10 directors create 15-minute pieces on the prompt of media narrative.

Ashley Marinaccio and Brady Amoonclark Talk About ‘Good Shape’
What would happen if everyone woke up tomorrow and loved the body they were in?